Angel Card Reading , Angel Therapy Course / Workshop
Angels are energies of the Divine that are always surrounding us acting as Guardians and Protectors. Each and every one has such an Angel looking over us willing to guide, what is limiting is our desire and ability to make the connection. Angel Card Reading allows this communication channel to open enabling us to receive their messages. Angels can prove to be a powerful tool for those seeking guidance in their life.
In many ways Angel card reading is very similar to Tarot Reading. The basic principle is much the same – the cards are shuffled and they reveal messages or guidance about our issues or questions. Angel cards give insights into relationships, careers and finances, like Tarot. In addition, they also give the seeker inner peace and confidence to make decisions. Moreover, the sources of guidance of the two are also different. Tarot connects with the Universe or Inner Guide while Angel Card Reading specifically requests the presence of the Angels. An Angel reader will pass the concerns to the guardian Angels and simply act as a mediator between the two.
Tapping into the Angelic presence the seeker’s experiences vary depending on their current situation and nature of the questions asked. The Angels are invited to offer messages on any area of the seeker’s life that they feel necessary.
These messages are delivered from a higher presence and have the potential to transform our lives bringing clarity and insights into our problems. However, the Angels never impose themselves upon us. What we do with this information is our choice, yet these guiding beings will always wait to show us the correct path.
Neera Sareen is a renowned Angel Card Reader and Practitioner at Delhi(India) and she has been practicing Angel Card Reading for the last 27 years. She helps the seeker to understand their Master Angel and then gives very accurate messages of the Angels to the seeker i.e. client. Neera Sareen has been practicing Angel Card Reading in Delhi and planning to open branches in NCR (Including Gurgaon and Noida). Her Centre is in South Delhi (South Extension Part-1) and West Delhi and is planning to open a branch in Noida/Gurugram also.
She has been practicing Angel Card Reading at various exhibitions, corporate events, at Emporio Mall and other places with aplomb from her clients.
She also conducts workshops and courses on Angel Therapy offline as well as online on Zoom (Live). In Angel Therapy Course / Workshop you come to know about various Angels, Your Master Angel, Which Angel can help you in which field, Angel Card Reading, Angel Oracle Board Reading, Healing through Angels, Auto Writing, Pendulum Healing, Chakra Scanning, Chakra Cleaning and Healing.Candle Meditation etc. To learn Angel Therapy, one can learn it from Neera Sareen at her South Delhi Centre . She has already conducted more than seventy workshops on Angel Therapy. This is a two day Workshop conducted every month by her followed by a half day review class and certification after one week of the Workshop. Lunch and Tea etc is catered for these two days of Workshop at the Centre itself. Those attending the workshop gets wonderful experiences of the Angel Presence during the workshop and can practice Angel Thearpy ie angel Card Reading, Angel Healing , Pendulum Healing etc after doing the Course. Angel Therapy Course provided by Neera Sareen at her Holistic Centre Aum Karma has International Accredition from USA and thus the students doing Angel Therapy can get International Certification also. Few Pictures of the Angel Therapy Classes conducted by Neera Sareen at New Delhi. Next Angel Therapy Workshop/Course/Classes ONLINE on Zoom is from 24 to 28 Feb 2025 . Course will also be conducted Online on Zoom.
For Feed Back given by Neera Sareen’s students after doing the Angel Therapy Course Please see the video below:
Neera Sareen conducts Courses and Workshops on Angel Therapy In New Delhi